Bob DePasquale

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EP #114: Touched by the Music with Dave Combs

There is good reason why young people are encouraged to try playing an instrument.  Creativity has been a recent topic in The Impactmaker Movement and music is great way to express it.  A good melody can be used for motivation, inspiration, consolation, energizing, prayer, meditation, and many other things.  Those who are able to produce beautiful songs have a key skill for humanity.  It can offer a personal touch and also bring us together in community.

Dave Combs is the composer of Rachel’s song and the author of Touched by the Music.  His journey to becoming a professional musician and author is fascinating.  He’s very humble, but has had such an impact on the world.  He lives using his talents to please others (with the encouragement of his wife).  You’ll appreciate the way he connects his gifts with the people that experience his work.

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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How Dave got into music

  • How Dave figured out he could write a song

  • The story of Dave’s trip to Nashville

  • How much it costs to rent a studio in 1986

  • Who’s Gary Prim

  • The importance of Gary and Dave’s friendship

  • What is mastering and mixing

  • What it’s like to “feel” your music

  • How Dave’s music is effecting lives

  • How Dave’s wife pushed him to write book

  • About Dave’s relationship with Jack Canfield

  • How it takes a team to produce a book

  • About Dave’s humor

  • How to listen to Rachel’s Song

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family that loved music.” - Dave Combs

“Sometimes, you figure out a gift later in life.” - Dave Combs

“Something I discovered at age 33 is that I could write a song.” - Dave Combs

“I just played the song out of nowhere.” - Dave Combs

“We’re going to call this Rachel’s Song in her honor.” - Dave Combs

“I really thought it was a gift from on high.” - Dave Combs

“I didn’t even know the lingo of the music world there in Nashville.” - Dave Combs

“I couldn’t believe my ears.” - Dave Combs talking about a professional rendition of his song

“I just like to play a beautiful rich cord.” - Dave Combs

“It’s like having a conversation with the instrument.” - Dave Combs

“The response from the listeners on the radio is really what started this feedback for me.” - Dave Combs

“People would write me a letter and tell me what the music meant to them.” - Dave Combs

“I couldn’t just leave ‘em in those boxes.  I had to get those stories told.” - Dave Combs

“I had to hire two people to answer the mail.” - Dave Combs

“In two weeks time I got over 10,000 letters.” - Dave Combs

“If it was a real special letter, she would paper clip a Kleenex to it.” - Dave Combs speaking about his office manager and his “fan mail”

“Over the years people would say, ‘Gosh Dave, you need to write about with those stories.’” - Dave Combs

“If you like listening to an East Tennessee hillbilly talk to you for eight hours, have at it.” - Dave Combs

“My wife is provably the person that gives me the spark to do things in life.” - Dave Combs

“I’m an extremely amateur percussionist.” - Bob DePasquale

“Humans are emotional.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode: