Bob DePasquale

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EP #105: What it Takes to Write a Book and Make the World a Better Place with Sarah Schott

We all have a different mix of creativity.  Some are visual, some are audible, and still others take on another form.  There is no right or wrong way to do it.  Authors certainly have a way with words but they also have a special storytelling gift.  We all appreciate a good story and there’s something about true stories that really hit home.

Sarah Schott is the author of Saving Society with God, Nature, & Music.  This is a pretty bold statement.  Sarah is able to combine her life experiences in a story format that is incredibly educational and entertaining.  She has a perspective on life and hope that we can all hope to experience.  You’ll feel inspired by her ability to make the most of what she has to make the world a better place. 

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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How writing a book is emotional

  • What it takes to write a book

  • Who it takes to write a book

  • The importance of editors

  • The importance of friendship and community

  • What the Creators Institute is

  • How stories can drive home a point

  • How writing is cathartic

  • The importance of curiosity

  • The importance of reflection and analyzation of your life

  • The power of prayer

  • How division breaks us

  • The importance of hope

  • How nature, music, and creativity work together

  • How lack of expressed creativity can lead to depression

  • How handwork can make you good at anything

  • What a competitive spirit does for you

  • The importance of patience

  • How judging is too much of a burden

  • How to show people lessons

  • The importance of understanding the meaning behind people’s thoughts

  • How we all have an impact on people

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“I underestimated the amount of time and creative thinking.” - Sarah Schott

“Holding your book in your hand for the first time is just a fantastic feeling.” - Sarah Schott

“Mine looks kind of lame…(laughs).” - Sarah Schott speaking about her book unboxing video

“For me, that was books…anything that was words, that was my thing.” - Sarah Schott

“I made that decision as a second grader.” - Sarah Schott

“Reading fell to the wayside…but it always came back around.” - Sarah Schott

“I sat down and I had no idea what type of book I wanted to write.” - Sarah Schott

“I wanted to write a parenting book but I’m not a parent.” - Sarah Schott

“It morphed into this memoir type of book.” - Sarah Schott 

“It sounds like it’s something that should come out of Aladdin.” - Sarah Schott talking about the first story in her book

“As children, we’re very innocent.” - Sarah Schott

“The biggest thing my faith does for me is provide a sense of hope.” - Sarah Schott

“As you get older, that interest just declines exponentially.” - Sarah Schott speaking about creativity

“I was fortunate enough to travel to many of the United States.” - Sarah Schott

“A lot of people think you have to be born with this natural talent to be good at an instrument or sinning.” - Sarah Schott

“If you work hard enough at it, you’re going to be good.” - Sarah Schott

“It was my one thing that I was really good at that no one in my family was.” - Sarah Schott

“I like to show people rather than just telling you what to do.” - Sarah Schott

“If I can change one person reading this than mission accomplished.” - Sarah Schott

“It takes a village to write a book.” - Bob DePasquale

“When you can overcome with people in your life that builds the strongest bonds.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode: