Generosity Assessments For Organizations and Groups Organizations Name * First Name Last Name Email * Your Company's Name Your Company's Website http:// What does your organization offer? * Top notch products in our industry A professional service A physical service Services at no cost (non-profit) How long has your company been around? * Less than a year Less than 5 years Less than 10 years 10 years or more What type of marketing do you do? (select all that apply) * Organic social media Word of mouth Paid social Traditional paid ads (print, radio, tv) From where do your employees work? * Only their homes, we are completely virtual We have multiple offices We have one office in our town Some in the main office, some at home, and some travel How many people work for your organization? * 10 or less 100 or less 1,000 or less more than 1,000 Does your organization advertise philanthropic initiatives? * Yes, at the corporate level Not that I am aware We have a deep relationship with another organization that we support. Yes, all employees are encouraged to participate. How would you describe the energy amongst employees? * Inconsistent Consistently strong Dependent upon leadership I’m not sure Which of these team building exercises does your company offer? (select all that apply) * We have happy hour every Friday in the office! Every year employees can qualify for a group vacation Something else We travel for a service trip every year. What does the public perceive about your company’s generosity? * They are completely unaware We are well known for being a giving organization. We get occasional publicity from charitable events we organize. We travel for a service trip every year. People purchase our goods/services partly because a portion of our sales go to charity. What’s the average tenure of an employee? * 1 year or less 2 years or less 5 years or less More than 5 years Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. * Our company has a generous culture. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Our company encourages its employees to give of their time and resources. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Our customers believe we have good intentions with the money they pay us. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree We could be doing better with our resources. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Working at our company makes you feel joyful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Thank you for taking the assessment. We’ll be e-mailing your the results shortly.See a preview of the profiles. For Individuals and Families Individuals Name * First Name Last Name Email * Your Organization if you have one you'd like to reference Your Website also if you have one http:// Finish the sentence: If I won the lottery I would… * give all the money away to charity. go on a yearlong cruise. pay off my mortgage. research charities addressing the most meaningful causes to me. How often do you volunteer your time? * Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Finish the sentence: When I have extra time, I like to… * enjoy time with my family. volunteer at the local food bank. look for places to serve a abroad. sit on the couch and do nothing. How many organizations do you currently support? * None One Multiple So many I can’t keep track! Which of these do you like to give? (select all the apply) * A hug Money Food Whatever someone needs! Finish the sentence: My parent(s) modeled generosity for me when I was younger by… * donating our used goods to charitable causes. giving money to charities. involving their kids in family philanthropy. organizing generosity events in the community. The best thing that you can do for someone in need is… * Ask them how you can help Give them money Develop a relationship with them Find someone that can help them Finish the sentence: I give of my resources to others because… * I feel obligated. it makes me feel good. it gives me a tax deduction. I feel uniquely equipped to help others. How would you describe your giving mindset? * Determined Skeptical Growing Not Sure Who is an inspiring giver? (Select all that apply) * Oprah Winfrey Bill Gates Andrew Carnegie Mr. Beast Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. * I feel like I am expressing generosity regularly. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I believe that I am capable of making a difference in someone’s world. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The people I spend time with tend to be giving. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I struggle to be generous because I lack the time. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree People have been generous to me in my life. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Thank you for taking the assessment. We’ll be e-mailing your the results shortly.See a preview of the profiles.