The E-Impact Blog

Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.

Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Comedy is Precise

Making people laugh is hard. We can take some lessons from comedians.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

People Buy What They’re Told

We make buying decisions every day, whether with money or not. However, we love to be told what buy and today’s technology feeds us what we want to hear.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Honest Sales

Impactmaking involves being a great salesperson. In this space, it is imperative that you participate in honest sales. You have a burning desire to achieve. You WILL be successfull. Make sure you are successful in something that is noble. Sell what you believe.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Know, Like, and Trust

Being known, liked, and trusted isn’t just sales for business people. It’s sales for impactmakers. You have to stand out amongst the crowd and sell your cause.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Hunting and Planting

We must have a sower’s mindset instead of a hunter’s to build community. Community is what we need to form powerful relationships that make lasting impact.

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