EP #210: Identifying Negative Pressure
What do you know about pressure?
There are a lot of sources that will tell you to avoid pressure these days. Seek comfort.
It’s a terrible idea.
You have to seek pressure - but the right type of pressure. And in order to know the right kind you have to identify the wrong kind.
This Part I of a two part series (perhaps longer) that I’m doing on pressure. It’s such a critical part of life and business and I believe that hose who master the art are those that will rise above.
A generous workplace culture is full of pressure. Don’t get it twisted. As the leader, you’ll need to identify the negative types and remove them from your organization.
Have a positively generous day.
What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:
How today’s world tells us pressure is bad
Why comfort is not always good
The difference between good and bad pressure
How the negative is most recognizable
How the amount of pressure is more important than any given item
The positive note related to negative pressures
How negative pressures push you back - or try to
How external forces work against you
The questions you should ask yourself
How generalities are a problem
How wishing is bad
What to do with unrealistic wishes
The non-obvious reason to avoid danger
Quotes Worth Sharing:
“A lot of sources these days will tell you the pressure is bad.’” - Bob DePasquale
“You know I believe in work hard, play hard, and rest hard.” - Bob DePasquale
“I find the pressure is a volume of things - the amount of things you have going on.” - Bob DePasquale
“The key to negative pressure is that it pushes back.” - Bob DePasquale
“Train that mental muscle to make quick decisions.’” - Bob DePasquale
“You’re moving in the right direction but it’s not as easy as it should be.” - Bob DePasquale
“Is the pressure coming from a goal or something someone else has indicated as important?” - Bob DePasquale
“You have to put in the thought energy yourself.” - Bob DePasquale
“Make sure that outside forces are not pushing against you.” - Bob DePasquale
“It’s better for it to be intentional.” - Bob DePasquale
“There’s just too many generalities.” - Bob DePasquale
“A lot of the content on the Internet has to be general.” - Bob DePasquale
“If it’s just wishful, how much experience can you get?” - Bob DePasquale
“What are the things are dangerous to your business"?” - Bob DePasauale
“Work/life harmony is critical. Work/life balance is impossible.” - Bob DePasquale
“Generous workplace cultures have very little negative pressure.” - Bob DePasquale
Resources From Today's Episode:
My Book - Personal Finance in a Public World
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