EP #246 It Ain’t About the Money

The money is nice but it won’t give them want they want.

I’ve worked closely with money for 15 years. It’s hard to believe I studies broadcasting two decades ago. I hope it makes me a better podcaster but what about financial planner? Here me out…

I can count on one hand the amount of people (out of thousands I worked with) who’s final goal was a number in their bank account. 99.9% people had another desire in their life.

This tells me how important it is to help people find fulfillment in their work - more important that financial riches.

The money is table stakes. Pay people what they are worth - but after that, there’s a lot of work to do to build a generous culture of which people want to be a part.

Have a generous rest of your week. 😀

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What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:

  • What to think about employee pay

  • Why customers want to see people doing their work

  • The importance of encouragement

  • What organization does for culture

  • What poise does for people who see it

  • Why people need to iterate, innovate, and create

  • How to respect people’s energy

  • How different people have different levels of energy at different times

  • Why creative freedom is key for fulfillment in culture

  • How leaders can support their team’s creativity

Quotes Worth Sharing:

  • “It’s not about the money.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “‘You have to pay people what they’re worth.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You don’t pay people more because they have to deal with other people.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “A leader must encourage people in their individual.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “If you hired someone that can’t contribute to the cause, there’s something wrong. - Bob DePasquale

  • “When the leader is poised, it makes other people feel that way.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Part of being poised is making sure it’s a safe place for people to fail.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You have to understand that the average human being has a limit amount of energy.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Understand the timing of the day.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Different people express their creativity in different ways.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You want to give people creative freedom.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I don’t like Band-Aids.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources From Today's Episode:

Related Episodes:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


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