EP #84: Cleaning Up Your “Mess” with Gene Heil

Forgiveness is for you.

Most podcasts are a great opportunity to learn from an expert guest.  This one is different.  The world is full of messed-up people.  That’s everyone and so there is hurt.  Hurt yields more hurt.  This podcast is less about expertise and more about experience.  We can learn from the most hurtful times.  

Gene Heil is a veteran, author, and ministers who claims to be messed up.  His life experiences with abuse and depression are something to acknowledge and learn from.  He’s now in a place in life where he is prepared to share his stories and help others find forgiveness for the people in their lives.  Ultimately, forgiveness is for the person giving, not the person receiving. 

What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • How the “storm” will pass

  • How to find healing

  • How to build character

  • Why forgiveness is important

  • What is grace

  • How writing is cathartic

  • Why taking care of family is important

  • Why you need to talk about sexual abuse

  • How structure can help you be a better person

  • Why caring for others makes you better

  • Why forgiveness is for you

  • Why pain is not the end

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“I’m healed.  I wouldn’t be able to talk about it 10 years ago.” - Gene Heil

“As the man’s face reflects in the Lord also a man’s heart reflects the man.” - Gene Heil

“Sexual abuse has been out there since the beginning of time.” - Gene Heil

“You don’t want to go through life and be dysfunctional for all your life.” - Gene Heil

“People depended on me…It made be a better person.” - Gene Heil

“God can tell you things but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen today or tomorrow..” - Gene Heil

“You have to find an avenue in your heart to release whatever you have that is hindering you from growing.” - Gene Heil

“I didn’t want to die.  I just didn’t want to hurt no more.” - Gene Heil

“A hurting person hurts a person.” - Gene Heil

“We’re not perfect and that’s why we’re trying to make the world a better place.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


EP #85: Winning Together with Anthony Muiruri


EP #83: Communicating Impact with Bill Hobson