Bob DePasquale

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EP #89: Embracing Struggle with Kimberly Bell

We all have times in life where it’s hard to push on.  We feel helpless.  We lose motivation.  But, it is those times that we build strength.  It’s amazing how desperation can power us through.  Ironically, it is reflection that carries us forward.

Some people have a an amazing ability to share with relatable vulnerability.  They make a host’s job simple because curiosity takes over.  You almost feel their pain as they describe things.  There’s no intention to elicit emotion.  It’s just natural.  Kimberly Bell has been through some horrible things in her life.  She could have written a horror story.  Instead, she wrote a memoir about overcoming and being better for it on the other side.  Get ready to be inspired.

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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Why gratefulness is extremely important

  • Why accepting and embracing is vital

  • How struggles can be shameful

  • Someone may have had the same experience as you, but worse

  • How freedom allows you to let go of pain

  • Why running from your problems is bad

  • How trust is valuable

  • How young people are extremely wise

  • How reading is inspiring

  • The power of forgiveness

  • Why we were created to be better, not bitter

  • How spirituality keeps you grounded

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“Every holiday is not going to be the same.” -  Kimberly Bell

“I had to accept the things that had happened in my past.” - Kimberly Bell

“I had a therapist during the time of my writing.” - Kimberly Bell

“My shame has to be similar to someone else’s.” - Kimberly Bell

“There’s freedoms in different levels and capacities.” - Kimberly Bell

“I’m just glad to be able to share an inspire.” - Kimberly Bell

“I was dropped off and given to my biological paternal aunt.” - Kimberly Bell

“I never go reunited with my biological father and my mother.” - Kimberly Bell

“I have a learning disability that I do no let define me.” - Kimberly Bell

“I have a right to say how I feel.” Kimberly Bell

“…I wish I had been given away from birth.” - Kimberly Bell

“When write a book, you’ve really created something.” - Bob DePasquale

“Sometime we need that little extra reminder or kick to be grateful for the things we have..” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode: