Bob DePasquale

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EP #100: Why You Can’t Be Self Made with Jason Peterson

We’ve all made mistakes in life.  Some of them are considered to be worse than others but I hesitate to compare people’s faults.  It’s terrible game.  I prefer to look closely at how they react afterwards.  What did they learn from the experience and how are they using that lesson to help the world?

Today’s guests is extremely candid about his missteps.  He will tell you about all of them, including a crime resulting in incarceration.  You might think that the conversation would revolve around these type of problems.  However, it’s more inspiring to hear what Jason Peterson has been doing since.  Get ready to be inspired to use your experience as impactmaking fuel.

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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Why you can’t be self made

  • Why you can’t always see the help you’ve received in the moment

  • What gratitude does for you

  • Why the consumption culture hurts

  • Why today’s role model’s are ineffective

  • How yearning can help or hurt you

  • What important things aren’t taught in school

  • The importance of discipline

  • What is “legal platoon”

  • What it’s like to have regret

  • How pain comes out at the most inopportune times

  • What it’s like to serve eight years in prison

  • How introspective thought is powerful

  • How incarcerated people lack support

  • Why it’s important to inspire others that come after you

  • What negative thoughts do to you

  • The importance of accountability

  • How your identity is built

  • The importance of fear

  • How you can use your experiences to help others

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“If I didn’t have any of the help that I’ve received throughout these years, I would not be in any of the positions to do any of the things I do today.” - Jason Peterson

“I don’t believe anyone is self-made.” - Jason Peterson

“If I can do that for one person, then I am a success.” - Jason Peterson

“I was yearning for something.” - Jason Peterson

“I knew growing up that I was yearning for a positive role model.” - Jason Peterson

“I looked up to professional boxers.” - Jason Peterson

“A couple months later I got into some trouble.” - Jason Peterson

“I went from riding a wave of being the proudest I’ve ever been…one again, it became another failure of mine.” - Jason Peterson

“I could’ve stayed in the Marine Corp…I’ll still regret that.” - Jason Peterson

“I think God has a path for me.” - Jason Peterson

“I ended up taking a prescription medicine that wasn’t prescribed to me.” - Jason Peterson

“I cried.” - Jason Peterson

“I thought I was God’s gift to women.” - Jason Peterson

“I was sent to prison for eight years for armed robbery.” - Jason Peterson

“Those eight years were a blessing.” - Jason Peterson

“What I did completely, utterly shocked anyone that I had any type of connection to.” - Jason Peterson

“When you get that second chance at life, you better make the most of it.” - Jason Peterson

“If it doesn’t instill fear, it is beneath your true potential.” - Jason Peterson

“You can’t get through tough times but you can’t do it alone.” - Bob DePasquale

“Do you feel like you’ve let them down?” - Bob DePasquale

“Your past doesn’t define you - but it sure does help you learn.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode: