The E-Impact Blog

Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.

Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

How to Listen to People Who Believe in You

The people who believe you don’t often question your actions. But, those are the people who actually should - and you should listen. There is an active process in which you need to participate to gather their feedback.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Hunting and Planting

We must have a sower’s mindset instead of a hunter’s to build community. Community is what we need to form powerful relationships that make lasting impact.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Build a Bigger Table Instead of a Fence: How to Invite People In

We should be lowering our fences and building bigger tables for people to join us. The blessings that we have can be shared with others to make our world a better place. Making a commitment to selfless behavior is better than having to take selfish action. Take control now and make an impact.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Education is Necessary But Not Sufficient

Education is important, but it’s not sufficient. We must act in order to accomplish. Learning happens while we act and makes the results of our efforts exponential.

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