The E-Impact Blog

Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.

Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

You’re a Loser

You’re a loser…in a great way!

Learn from loss for great gain.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

The Last 10%

The last 10% of your effort is the most meaningful.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Would You Do What You Do For Free?

Impact starts with you. But, you can’t sustain positive work without appreciation for what you do.

You shouldn’t do it for free, but would you?

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Workaholism = Fear

Most of us work too much; and it’s not because we are accomplishing more. It’s because we are fearful of negative comaparisons.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

The Harder You Work the Luckier You Get

There is no substitute for hard work. If you are looking for better luck, work harder and you’ll be “luckier”. The effort will put you in a more favorable position.

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