The E-Impact Blog
Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.
Don’t Borrow, Steal: How to Use What You’ve Learned
We must learn to use what we’ve learned. We have to “steal” our lessons otherwise we might as well never learn them. Don’t give back what you have gained. Apply it often.
Impressions: Why Seeking Them is Dangerous
Impressing people is fleeting. Impressing upon them is lasting. You can help people for life by teaching them. You merely give yourself a short-term boost by showing off.
Teach to make an impact.
Indelible Lessons: Are They Learned or Taught?
What makes a lesson indelible? Why do you not forget it? It’s because it’s important. You use what you learned frequently. It’s not just because it was a unique memory.