EP #240 3 Overhyped Employment Benefits

Ever been tempted by your employer with some perks?

There are certain things that are foundational to employment. They are not benefits and certainly not perks.

Today's world has empowered the employee and I’m all about this mindset. We need to encourage people to speak up and be confident in their abilities. With that being said, there is nothing more important than joy in your life and fulfillment in your work.

Employers should know what people really need and not offer these three things as special benefits to employment. They run the risk at giving people a debilitating feeling about their work and career - making them feel like their work detracts from their wellness.

Be sure to make these things a foundation, not a special addition when people aren’t feeling great about their career.

Have a great rest of your week. 😀

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What You'll Learn in Today's Episode:

  • About the perfect employment position

  • Perfection and it’s lies

  • About happiness

  • About joy

  • How freedom is overhyped

  • What you should desire instead of freedom

  • How time off is overhyped

  • The best way to handle work time and time off

  • How higher pay is overhyped

  • The importance of fair pay

  • How people need more than a raise to be fulfilled

Quotes Worth Sharing:

  • “There’s not perfect ideal employment.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “They should not rely on you for everything.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “No one is good enough to be everything for anyone, no less anyone.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “Freedom is not that great.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You have to let up some control to be comfortable.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “It's such a powerful force to work with camaraderie and collaboration.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You don’t want complete freedom.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “I’m going to work you to the bone and then I’ll let you go detox.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You should be known for being generous to your employee.” - Bob DePasquale

  • “And they don’t work as hard.” - Bob DePasquale speaking about sales contest winners

  • “What happens if you don’t get that raise?” - Bob DePasquale

  • “You must make sure people stick around for the right reasons.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources From Today's Episode:

Related Episodes:

Robert DePasquale

Lover of Stewardship


EP #241 When, Not How, You Treat People


EP #239: 11 Ways to Make Work More Enjoyable