Bob DePasquale

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EP #83: Communicating Impact with Bill Hobson

Every action you take is a message.

I studied broadcasting because I wanted to be a media personality.  Many people in my life have called me “personality” but not the type I thought I’d be.  Impactmaking isn’t about what you are known for or who knows of you.  It’s about taking positive actions and communicating a encouraging message in all that you do.

Bill Hobson is a real media star but he wouldn’t describe himself that like that.  He’s about as humble as they come.  His humility is a positive message in itself.  Yet, he ads much more with the work he does.  He hosts multiple shows - each with a different focus but a message of impact.  Today’s conversation is all about connecting with others through through effective communication.

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What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • What impact really means

  • How to build “good” momentum

  • What we can learn from a poor widow

  • How to highlight instances of positive impact

  • Why your life is but a vapor

  • How positive impact exists in the most unexpected situations

  • What Jesus taught about impacting others

  • What a paralytic can teach us about impact

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“If we don’t dedicate ourselves to being people of impact, we kinda have that cloud around us because everything else tends to overwhelm.” - Bill Hobson

“If there is a big convention where they handed out certificates and trophies for humility, would you show up to accept it?” - Bill Hobson

“That’s what impact is.  It’s rising above your circumstances in order to deliver inspiration, hope to someone else.” - Bill Hobson 

“We are called to do things on behalf of other people.” - Bill Hobson

“You don’t embark on an act of impact worrying about what history is going to think about it.” - Bill Hobson

“I’ve been made uncomfortable and I want to share that joy with everyone else.” - Bill Hobson

“One of the most powerful things you can do is to convey to somebody the reality that they do matter, that they have a purpose, and God did not make a mistake when he made them.” - Bill Hobson

“The people who take those incremental small little steps or they develop habits to be really good to others, they end up doing great things because it becomes habitual.” - Bob DePasquale

“It’s not actually that hard to be a good person.” - Bob DePasquale

“When I was 18, I felt invincible.” - Bob DePasquale

Resources In Today's Episode: