The E-Impact Blog

Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.

Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Go Where You Go: How to Find Your Destination

Go where you are led. This means you have to seek advice. This life is not to be done alone. Confidence is actually selfless. Joy is internal but comes with positive interactions.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Solve a Problem, Build a Business

Building a business requires quite a bit of effort. So, does impactmaking. We are here to make a positive difference in the world. We should be excited about solving the problems that we were uniquely qualified to identify. Trust in your abilities and confidently give your efforts towards what you know is good.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Giveaways: Vanity or Value?

Giveaways are great. We all love free things. But has our society made getting free things too important? Should we pay for value? Companies give away free things in hopes you’ll become a customer. Your charitable giving is not a business. When you give, you should expect nothing in return.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Build a Bigger Table Instead of a Fence: How to Invite People In

We should be lowering our fences and building bigger tables for people to join us. The blessings that we have can be shared with others to make our world a better place. Making a commitment to selfless behavior is better than having to take selfish action. Take control now and make an impact.

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