The E-Impact Blog
Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.
The Power Beyond Money: Finding True Motivation for Success
You can’t be your best if your only goal is money. Find something meaningful to motivate you.
Emotional Wealth is More Important than Financial
Finances are a part of life. Emotions are life itself.
Your Calendar is Your Time Budget
Time is infinitely valuable. So, why don’t we budget it it better?
I Love Money
I love money because it is an amazing tool. Actually, I love what it can do; not it.
Your relationship with money is a very important part of your life. Treat it as such.
Vision Precedes Strategy
Your organization’s vision is the most important component to success. You and everyone else involved (even those not involved) must have an understanding of why the organization exists. With that knowledge, execution becomes simple.
Know, Like, and Trust
Being known, liked, and trusted isn’t just sales for business people. It’s sales for impactmakers. You have to stand out amongst the crowd and sell your cause.
Solve a Problem, Build a Business
Building a business requires quite a bit of effort. So, does impactmaking. We are here to make a positive difference in the world. We should be excited about solving the problems that we were uniquely qualified to identify. Trust in your abilities and confidently give your efforts towards what you know is good.