The E-Impact Blog
Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.
Greatness’ Best Friend: How to Embrace Fear
Greatness is not easy. It comes with fear. But more importantly, the embracing of fear. Fear is not bad. The reaction to it is what can be bad. It doens’t have to be though. Impactmakers love the challenge.
Don’t Borrow, Steal: How to Use What You’ve Learned
We must learn to use what we’ve learned. We have to “steal” our lessons otherwise we might as well never learn them. Don’t give back what you have gained. Apply it often.
Wisdom Over Knowledge: Why You Should Make the Choice
Wisdom is greater than knowledge because it’s more flexible. Knowledge is helpful in evaluation. But, wisdom leads to wiser decisions. UNfortunately, knowledge is easy to find. Wisdom comes with experience.
Go Where You Go: How to Find Your Destination
Go where you are led. This means you have to seek advice. This life is not to be done alone. Confidence is actually selfless. Joy is internal but comes with positive interactions.
Let Things Roll Off You: The 4 C’s
Impactmaking takes courage. You have to be willing to struggle, but it’s worth it. The bad things will roll off you and you’ll be better for it. You’ll be stronger, more successful, and the world we be a better place.
It’s Tough to Be Nice: How to Make it Simple
Being nice is not easy. But, we have to be able to control our emotions during tough times. Kindness will prevail. It is contagious. Other people will be kind if you treat them well. Life will be more enjoyable for all of us.
Don’t Talk About It, Be About It
It’s great to have a plan. It’s better to have action. Spend some time thinking about the impact you want to make. Spend more time making it. It’s impossible to understand everything at the beginning. “Doing” will enable you to learn more.
Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant
Leadership involves being a servant not giving orders. It is important to understand what means the most to you, what you’re best at, and how to execute what you want to do. Lead with purpose and servants heart.
Who You Are…Is More Important Than What You Do
Life is about who are you are and not what you do. You can be an incredibly influential person throw your vocation or through your avocation. The world needs you to share who you are.
Solve a Problem, Build a Business
Building a business requires quite a bit of effort. So, does impactmaking. We are here to make a positive difference in the world. We should be excited about solving the problems that we were uniquely qualified to identify. Trust in your abilities and confidently give your efforts towards what you know is good.
Timing is Everything
Time is precious. We don’t know how much we have. It’s very important to use it wisely and also recognize when the right time for change is. This doesn’t mean your situation is bad, it means that it has been good. Change is good.
Resources, Relationships, and Routines: How to Be Efficient
Efficiency will lead to more impact. Resources, relationships, and routines, the three “R”s, are the keys to making you and your team as efficient as possible. Your impact will be greater and your fulfillment will shine.
Clarity vs. Persuasion: An Internal War
Your impact initiative is clear to you. You don’t have to be convinced. Make it clear to others and they won’t have to be convinced either.
Focus: Now or Later?
Focusing in the moment is just as important as focusing on the long term goal. Don’t miss a small lesson in search of a big result.
Giveaways: Vanity or Value?
Giveaways are great. We all love free things. But has our society made getting free things too important? Should we pay for value? Companies give away free things in hopes you’ll become a customer. Your charitable giving is not a business. When you give, you should expect nothing in return.
The Harder You Work the Luckier You Get
There is no substitute for hard work. If you are looking for better luck, work harder and you’ll be “luckier”. The effort will put you in a more favorable position.
Build a Bigger Table Instead of a Fence: How to Invite People In
We should be lowering our fences and building bigger tables for people to join us. The blessings that we have can be shared with others to make our world a better place. Making a commitment to selfless behavior is better than having to take selfish action. Take control now and make an impact.
The Clutter of Life: 5 Ways to Get Rid of It
The holiday season seems to get busier every year. 2020, despite its uniqueness, is no different when it comes to clutter. There are ways to prioritize your life so that the season is more enjoyable.
Impressions: Why Seeking Them is Dangerous
Impressing people is fleeting. Impressing upon them is lasting. You can help people for life by teaching them. You merely give yourself a short-term boost by showing off.
Teach to make an impact.
Mid-Course Corrections: What to Do When Your Path Doesn’t Point Towards Your Goal
Mid-course corrections are essential for success, especially within an impact project. Flexibility is important and identifying weaknesses is a strength. Be aware of the need for a change in your path and capitalize on the opportunity.