The E-Impact Blog

Bob’s thoughts on being a generous leader and making a positive impact in the world.

Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Shame vs. Guilt

Shame and Guilt are different but highly related. How can you recognize each and avoid making people feel them unnecessarily? Leadership is about understanding how people feel responsibility at the same time.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

The Center of Leadership

The best leaders are able to empower people from a complementary position. The generous leader does this by giving her or their best to the people they lead.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

How to Out-Love Your Competition

There are a lot of things you can do to outdo your opponents but perhaps the greatest is love. Practice loving better to be more effective.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

What’s Your Worth?

Your worth is determined from within. Don’t be distracted by external sources and general measurements.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

Workaholism = Fear

Most of us work too much; and it’s not because we are accomplishing more. It’s because we are fearful of negative comaparisons.

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Robert DePasquale Robert DePasquale

We’re Owed Nothing but Get to be Great

We are not owed anything by the world. But, we are given a great gift of opportunity. There are chances all around us to support other people and express unconditional love.

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